Ever had a truly “good” friend ?

Egorov Sergey Sergeyevich.
2 min readDec 28, 2020

The “I forgot to do my tasks” story…but one that brings happy and sad memories for me.

Friends, friends…friends. I always call strangers “friends”, out of politeness and to show them that I am honest with them. You can feel free to express yourself around me, your feelings, emotions, thoughts…all of that, which has built up inside of you.

But that is what a “truly best” friend is for, am I wrong ? A person you can rely on, with whom you have a jolly good time, open up to.

I remember having a friend in school…the only “true” friend I ever had. Don’t get me wrong, I consider everyone my friend and comrade (Tovarish for Russian), but….this one was different.

Going through the shy period of my life, I had to endure true bullying. Not the “I hit you, you cry” kind of bullying…but emotional bullying. One that could forever change you…and yet I endured, mostly thanks to my family, my own assessment of the situation….and my friend.

His name is simple (Aleksei, or, “Lyosha”), his looks are mundane, many of our goals and morals were different and yet….I had a very close connection to him.

Fun was had, hardships endured, stories shared, games played….all of that was had.

But now ? — years have passed and I haven’t seem in ever since. Hopefully he is okay and fights for his dreams.

oh, well, my friend. I shall not end this small talk on a negative note. But rather..on a positive one. After all, we all move on with our lives and live on, fighting hard and finding new friends, soulmates…even lovers.

I hope you will achieve what you wish to achieve, my reading friend. Have a nice year and a jolly good time.

Good luck.



Egorov Sergey Sergeyevich.

A Student, A Russian Patriot and an Ambitions Person who loves History, Diplomacy, International Relations, Languages and The World’s People.